WeRide : A Self-driving Pioneer

| By:   Tamer Karam           |  Aug. 22, 2024


Founded in 2017 by Tony Han, the former chief scientist of Baidu’s autonomous driving unit, WeRide has rapidly emerged as a global leader in self-driving technology. Expanding its operations to 4 countries and approximately 30 cities, WeRide is the first company to obtain permits to start testing in four countries: China, the United States, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.

The company focuses on developing Level 4 (L4) autonomous driving technology, enabling vehicles to operate without human intervention in specific streets and under specific conditions. WeRide’s services encompass a diverse range of vehicles including taxis, minibuses, cargo vehicles, and street cleaning vehicles.

The company has received over $1.4 billion through multiple funding rounds. Notable investors include the China Development Bank, Nvidia, Bosch, Sino-Arab investment funds, the GAC Group, and the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance. WeRide seeks a US stock exchange listing to secure additional financial support for business expansion and increased competitiveness.

Research and Development

WeRide’s research and development efforts revolve around three core areas:

  1. Robotaxi Development: Designing and building diverse self-driving vehicles capable of operating in complex urban environments.
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Developing advanced algorithms and machine learning models to enable vehicles to perceive, understand, and navigate their surroundings safely and smoothly.
  3. Safety and Reliability: Ensuring the safety and reliability of self-driving vehicles through testing, monitoring, and continuous development.

Operational Commencement

In November 2019, WeRide’s robotaxis, driven by human operators, began transporting passengers in a 144 square kilometer area in Guangzhou. In collaboration with the government-owned Baiyun Taxi Group, the largest taxi company in southern China, these robotaxis were able to charge fares similar to regular taxis.

In April 2021, the company received a fully autonomous driving test permit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), making it the first self-driving company to obtain a fully autonomous driving test permit in both the United States and China.

In July 2023, WeRide secured the first autonomous driving license in the United Arab Emirates, allowing all its self-driving vehicles to undergo road tests and operations on public roads throughout the UAE.

In December 2023, the company obtained M1 and T1 licenses from Singapore, enabling its vehicles to conduct more extensive testing on public roads in Singapore.

The Future

WeRide aspires to be a pioneer in self-driving technology and aims to offer its services in more cities and countries, including Europe, Africa, and South America. The company’s trajectory appears promising as it has managed to expand rapidly into numerous countries and cities without any reported accidents. However, its fleet of self-driving vehicles remains relatively small compared to companies like Waymo and Apollo.
