The First Foldable TV

| By:   Tamer Karam           |  Jan. 17, 2024

foldable tv

Not only small mobile phones are foldable, large fixed televisions have also joined them. At the CES 2024, the Austrian company C SEED presented the first foldable TV which consists of 5 panels (microLED screens) that could be folded to make the TV look like a piece of home furniture and could be opened to return to a large, smooth TV screen.

The N1 TV is fully automatic and takes 60 seconds to raise to a suitable height and then opens the five panels within 25 seconds to form a complete screen. It works with an intelligent system that distributes the display of the scene across the five screens and increases the brightness of the parts adjacent to the folds so that they disappear and the viewer does not see them.

The TV is considered expensive. The company offered the 137-inch N1 TV at a price of $200,000. It must be ordered in advance and delivery comes after several months, as it is a rare piece in the world. The company is trying to reach larger segments, so it has announced a smaller size of 103 inches at a price of 150,000 and a larger size of 165 at a price of 300,000 dollars. If you like giant screens, the company can manufacture a 303-inch size for 1.2 million dollars.

It is noteworthy that LG presented at this exhibition the first transparent TV that will be available for sale this year, manufactured with OLED technology. As for Samsung, it presented a prototype of a transparent TV manufactured with the same technology as the N1 foldable microLED TV.
