China Utilizes Starlink to Detect American Stealth Aircraft

| By:   Tamer Karam           |  Sept. 22, 2024


China has repeatedly expressed concerns about the Starlink satellite network, which the United States could use to its advantage in regional conflicts. These concerns have undoubtedly increased following its use in Ukraine.

However, it seems that China has not only been worried but has also found a way to use this network to its advantage. According to the South China Morning Post, a Chinese research team has revealed how they managed to use signals emitted by the Starlink network to detect stealth aircraft.

In their test, the researchers used a small drone with a small cross-section, similar to stealth aircraft, which is difficult for radars to detect. They were able to detect it using their new method.

The researchers published their findings in a specialized journal, stating that the method relies on placing a ground receiver for the high-frequency signals sent by Starlink satellites. When a stealth aircraft or drone passes by, it disrupts the signals received by the device. Thanks to advanced algorithms, they were able to identify the cause of this disruption and detect stealth aircraft and their movements.

In their experiment, the researchers used small receivers, and the drone was not at a high altitude. However, practical application would require larger receivers to detect signal changes from a greater distance, making them more susceptible to detection. Nonetheless, these are considered passive detection devices as they do not emit any signals that could reveal their location, unlike radars.

The United States possesses the latest stealth aircraft, such as the F-22 and F-35, capable of evading ground radar signals. These aircraft would need to penetrate Chinese airspace in the event of any escalation in the region. While ground radars find it difficult to detect and track them, this discovery seems to undermine their stealth advantage.
