VR/AR Headsets are not for Everyone: Here’s Why

| By:   Tamer Karam           |  Feb. 16, 2024


Many tech blogs reported that some of those who purchased Apple's Vision Pro headset returned it to the company due to their dissatisfaction and the high price of $3,500 was not the reason.

It’s worthy to note that no official information was obtained about the number and percentage of those who returned it,Tech blogs have been tracking the complaints of dissatisfied buyers on X, and I can sum up the reasons for them in two categories:

  1. Comfort

Some buyers found it uncomfortable due to the weight and heaviness on the head. While others suffered from redness and dry eyes; symptoms were experienced by some after using it for an extended period, while others experienced them only after a few minutes

  1. Productivity

Doing normal things like browsing the web takes more effort than it should. It’s not a good device for increasing productivity, as Apple has widely promoted.

Although it's nice to have multiple screens and easy navigation between them, we still face significant problems while working, such as difficulty in writing and a lot of head movement.

Type with the virtual keyboard is not easy, and the headset makes errors in tracking hand movement when we move the head to look at what we have written on the screen. Working with it becomes a real hassle when there's poor lighting conditions.

We told you, It's not a secret

On its website, Apple makes it clear that symptoms of sickness and discomfort are possible and presents it as advice: “Be aware of symptoms of motion sickness, such as nausea, and stop using Apple Vision Pro if you experience them”. These symptoms are not limited to Vision Pro, but all AR/VR headsets may cause them.

The effects of these headsets vary from person to person. In a research paper conducted by Microsoft and some universities last year, researchers studied the long-term effects of working in VR. According to their conclusion, a VR-based environment is less productive than a physical desktop environment.

Yes, VR headsets do decrease productivity, but it is worth noting that two participants dropped out on the first day of using VR due to migraines, nausea, and anxiety.

We are still at the beginning, there is a lot more that can be done. Therefore, feedback that identifies any shortcomings could be an opportunity to enhance Vision Pro and the VR/AR experiences.
