Game Changer? South Korea Deploys First Anti-Drone Laser System

| By:   Gad Tarabe           |  July 13, 2024


South Korea has announced that it will become the first country to deploy anti-drone laser weapons, and has named the laser system the “Star Wars” project. The system directs high-energy laser beams towards drones to burn them.

South Korea aims to counter its northern neighbor’s drones, which have repeatedly violated its airspace. If the system is successful in countering drones, South Korea will have made a significant leap forward in laser defense systems.

Despite the high initial cost of the system, once activated, each launch will cost only about $1.50, which South Korea says is a game-changer on the future battlefield. It is enough to expose the drone to the laser for 10 to 20 seconds to burn its components and destroy it.

Despite this bold announcement, many doubt the capabilities of these laser systems. Their range is limited to no more than 1 kilometer, and exposing a drone to the beams for 10 to 20 seconds is extremely difficult due to its speed and unpredictable path. Therefore, many countries have conducted successful tests of shooting down drones, but none have had the courage to announce their deployment. UK announced that it would deploy its Dragon Fire laser system in 2029 after successful tests last year, and Australia conducted successful tests last month but has not decided to deploy it. The battlefield will be the true test of the effectiveness of this Star Wars system.
